Biblically-based Counseling: 2000+ Years in the Making
The concept of Biblical counseling may seem relatively new. The reality is that Biblical Counseling has been around for 2000 years. In the Bible, Paul wrote that all Christians are responsible to be equipped and restore one another (Ephesians 4:12 and Galatians 6:1-2).
Approximately 400 years ago the Puritans developed a sophisticated, disciplined, grace-filled system of diagnosis for personal problems. They made distinction between a variety of physical, spiritual, temperamental and demonic causes. From this they formulated an extremely comprehensive manual for dealing with the problems of the heart.
More recently, there has been a movement across the United States made up of Christians who believe God has given man everything needed to live a healthy, Godly life (2 Peter 1:3). These Christians recognize that traditional psychology and psychological counseling has done little to bring emotional stability to our nation. They site the American Psychiatric Association who states that the cost for the support and medical treatment of diagnosed mental disorders continues to escalate. Direct Costs for the 50 million Americans diagnosed with mental disorders now exceed $55.4 billion while Indirect Costs exceed $273 billion.
We are faced with a Problem
Christians are barraged by worldly influences and have found little comfort in the failed solutions being offered. The root of the vast majority of our personal and our society's mental and emotional problems is spiritual. Over two hundred psychological schools of thought, which are the foundation of traditional psychological and Integrated Christian counseling, have not stemmed the tide of fractured lives.
The Solution
Through Biblical counseling Christians can be equipped to restore one another based on the sufficiency of Scripture (Colossians 3:16: 1 Thessalonians 5:14-15; Romans 15:1-5; Galatians 6:1-2).
The influence of Biblical Counseling is growing because it addresses the root of our problems, is God-focused, Biblically-based, compassionate and effective.
Approximately 400 years ago the Puritans developed a sophisticated, disciplined, grace-filled system of diagnosis for personal problems. They made distinction between a variety of physical, spiritual, temperamental and demonic causes. From this they formulated an extremely comprehensive manual for dealing with the problems of the heart.
More recently, there has been a movement across the United States made up of Christians who believe God has given man everything needed to live a healthy, Godly life (2 Peter 1:3). These Christians recognize that traditional psychology and psychological counseling has done little to bring emotional stability to our nation. They site the American Psychiatric Association who states that the cost for the support and medical treatment of diagnosed mental disorders continues to escalate. Direct Costs for the 50 million Americans diagnosed with mental disorders now exceed $55.4 billion while Indirect Costs exceed $273 billion.
We are faced with a Problem
Christians are barraged by worldly influences and have found little comfort in the failed solutions being offered. The root of the vast majority of our personal and our society's mental and emotional problems is spiritual. Over two hundred psychological schools of thought, which are the foundation of traditional psychological and Integrated Christian counseling, have not stemmed the tide of fractured lives.
The Solution
Through Biblical counseling Christians can be equipped to restore one another based on the sufficiency of Scripture (Colossians 3:16: 1 Thessalonians 5:14-15; Romans 15:1-5; Galatians 6:1-2).
The influence of Biblical Counseling is growing because it addresses the root of our problems, is God-focused, Biblically-based, compassionate and effective.